Crossfit Linchpin - Gym

Made in U.S.A.

Crossfit Linchpin - Gym

Made in U.S.A.
App enabled:
Purchased programs will appear within your BTWB Account in both the web browser and BTWB App.
Start with a 30-Day Free Trial
Train for free for the first 30 days of your plan. Automatic billing begins on day 31 if you remain subscribed.
Product Description

Founded and operated by former U.S. Navy Seal and longtime CrossFit coach and analyst Pat Sherwood, CrossFit Linchpin is now offering this Gym Subscription Training Program, designed exclusively for use with the BTWB App. This program is intended to help streamline the day-to-day lives of gym owners and coaches by providing high-variance daily workouts suited to a wide range of athletes. A simplified Linchpin subscription plan for individual athletes is also available, sold separately. 

The Linchpin private track for Gym Owners delivers programming 7 days a week, Monday through Sunday, and is catered to the logistical needs of running classes with 10-20 people or more. Each day includes carefully planned warm-ups that often differ from those in Linchpin’s Individual Track. A highly detailed Lesson Plan is also provided with every daily workout, written by a team of experienced trainers who run classes for a living, and reviewed by a Level 4 CrossFit Coach. As Pat Sherwood explains, “We feel we have found the right balance to give coaches all the guidance they need to run a top notch, professional class while still allowing their own style and personality to shine. Using the daily lesson plan is of course optional, but we think you will enjoy it.”

Key aspects of the Lesson Plans are:

  • The Daily warm-ups are adjusted, if needed, to function in a class/gym environment
  • Notes to Coaches are included in every plan with one area of Coach Development
  • Scaling options are provided
  • Whiteboard notes/set-ups points are included
  • Managing the timeline is broken down

The 5 daily workout options are:

  1. “Rx’d Workout” = the workout of the day
  2. “Wild Card Option” = a workout between Rx’d & Scaled
  3. “Scaled Option” = reduced loading, fewer reps, and/or simpler movements
  4. “Limited Equipment Option” = dumbbell version of the workout
  5. “No-Equipment Option” = all you need is your body & the ground

Linchpin does not have a bias toward strength, gymnastics, or conditioning. Instead, they have what they call “a long term health and fitness bias,” with programming designed to keep athletes of all ages feeling happy and healthy. A key linchpin of the Linchpin approach is an emphasis on Intensity over Volume. Intelligent scaling or modification of a workout is often essential on a long fitness journey, and heavy lifting days aren’t over-crammed with other workouts. “We don’t rush it; we focus on doing it right.”

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BTWB Linchpin Gym Subscription Program - CrossFit Linchpin

Founded and operated by former U.S. Navy Seal and longtime CrossFit coach and analyst Pat Sherwood, CrossFit Linchpin is now offering this Gym Subscription Training Program, designed exclusively for use with the BTWB App. This program is intended to help streamline the day-to-day lives of gym owners and coaches by providing high-variance daily workouts suited to a wide range of athletes. A simplified Linchpin subscription plan for individual athletes is also available, sold separately. 

The Linchpin private track for Gym Owners delivers programming 7 days a week, Monday through Sunday, and is catered to the logistical needs of running classes with 10-20 people or more. Each day includes carefully planned warm-ups that often differ from those in Linchpin’s Individual Track. A highly detailed Lesson Plan is also provided with every daily workout, written by a team of experienced trainers who run classes for a living, and reviewed by a Level 4 CrossFit Coach. As Pat Sherwood explains, “We feel we have found the right balance to give coaches all the guidance they need to run a top notch, professional class while still allowing their own style and personality to shine. Using the daily lesson plan is of course optional, but we think you will enjoy it.”

Key aspects of the Lesson Plans are:

  • The Daily warm-ups are adjusted, if needed, to function in a class/gym environment
  • Notes to Coaches are included in every plan with one area of Coach Development
  • Scaling options are provided
  • Whiteboard notes/set-ups points are included
  • Managing the timeline is broken down

The 5 daily workout options are:

  1. “Rx’d Workout” = the workout of the day
  2. “Wild Card Option” = a workout between Rx’d & Scaled
  3. “Scaled Option” = reduced loading, fewer reps, and/or simpler movements
  4. “Limited Equipment Option” = dumbbell version of the workout
  5. “No-Equipment Option” = all you need is your body & the ground

Linchpin does not have a bias toward strength, gymnastics, or conditioning. Instead, they have what they call “a long term health and fitness bias,” with programming designed to keep athletes of all ages feeling happy and healthy. A key linchpin of the Linchpin approach is an emphasis on Intensity over Volume. Intelligent scaling or modification of a workout is often essential on a long fitness journey, and heavy lifting days aren’t over-crammed with other workouts. “We don’t rush it; we focus on doing it right.”

Sample Session


2 Rounds, not for time of:
50 Double-unders, Single-unders or Jumping Jacks
5-7 Shoulder Pass Throughs, pvc pipe
5-7 Band Pull-aparts
5-7 Scap Pull-ups
5-7 Kip Swings
5-7 Ring Rows, Pull-ups, or low-ring muscle-ups
1 x Burgener Warm Up with empty bar (45/35)
10 Push Press, empty barbell
10 Hanging Knee Raises with 1-second pause at top (or V-ups or sit-ups)

Workout of the Day - RX'd

For time:

30 Toes-to-bar
25 Dumbbell Push Press
5 Rope Climbs, 15 ft.
25 Dumbbell Push Press
30 Toes-to-bar

Men: Two 50-lb. dumbbells
Women: Two 35-lb. dumbbells
Or use a 115/75 barbell

**Super Fitness Robot time / rounds:
5:30 or less

**More Likely time / rounds: (consider scaling if this seems unrealistic)
10:00 or less

Wild Card Option

For time:

30 GHD sit-ups or Toes-to-bar
25 Dumbbell Push Press
15 Ring Muscle-ups
25 Dumbbell Push Press
30 GHD sit-ups or Toes-to-bar

Men: Two 50-lb. dumbbells
Women: Two 35-lb. dumbbells
Or use a 115/75 barbell

Scaled Option

For time:

30 Hanging Knee Raises or Sit-ups
25 Dumbbell Push Press
25 Pull-ups or Ring Rows
25 Dumbbell Push Press
30 Hanging Knee Raises or Sit-ups

Men: Two 35-lb. dumbbells
Women: Two 25-lb. dumbbells
Or use a 75/55 barbell

Limited Equipment Option

For time:

30 Toes-to-bar
25 Dumbbell Push Press
25 Chest-to-bar Pull-ups
25 Dumbbell Push Press
30 Toes-to-bar

Men: Two 50-lb. dumbbells
Women: Two 35-lb. dumbbells

No Equipment Workout

For time:

30 V-ups
50 Hand-release Push-ups
2 minute plank hold
50 Hand-release Push-ups
30 V-ups

Accessory Work (optional)

Overhead Carry

Use 2 dumbbells / kettlebells, or one barbell
3 x 100 feet. You choose the load.


Turkish Get-Ups

3 Rounds of:

5-7 Turkish Get-Ups, Left-arm
5-7 Turkish Get-Ups, Right-arm
*Rest 1-2 minutes between rounds
*You choose the load.

Hold chin over pull-up bar:

Accumulate 2 minutes

Cool Down & Stretching

Cool down for 5-15 minutes by casually walking, jogging, biking or rowing, then stretch.
Cobra Stretch - abs, 1-2 minutes
Chest & Pec, hands behind, hold 1-2 minutes
Frog Stretch, hold 1-2 minutes

Gear Specs


  • Linchpin Digital Training Program exclusively for BTWB App
  • Monthly Subscription - Cancel Anytime
  • Intended for Gym Owners / Coaches
  • Programmed by Pat Sherwood and the CF Linchpin team
  • Workouts and Lesson Plans Provided Each Day
  • Demonstration Videos provided for various workouts


What will I get?

What will I get?

After purchasing a Linchpin Gym program subscription from Rogue, customers will be able to schedule the program into their calendar on the BTWB App. Programming is provided daily to subscribers, and includes lesson plans, warm-up, 5 different workout options, goal times, demo/educational videos, optional accessory work, & more.

PLEASE NOTE: The programming will be accessible after purchase. An e-mail confirmation will also be sent (be sure to check Spam folder if it does not appear). This is a digital subscription program and NOT a physical product. 

Returns and refunds are not available for non-physical items.

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