Rogue Move - Mikko's Triangle (eBook)

Rogue Move - Mikko's Triangle (eBook)
Product Description
Mikko’s Triangle is a comprehensive 7-week training program created by Rogue Athlete and 2009 CrossFit Games champion, Mikko Salo as part of the Rogue Move programming and cycle series.
Mikko originally created Mikko’s Triangle in 2009 with the goal to test the aerobic foundation of some of the best athletes in the world. This workout has since become a benchmark for athletes to test their aerobic capacity and pacing on the Echo Bike, Concept 2 RowErg, and Concept 2 SkiErg, making up the “triangle” of machines.
The purpose of this program is to introduce you to the famous engine testing workout that is Mikko’s Triangle and increase your aerobic capacity by following the 7-week program.
The program consists of a week 1 test to see how you stack up in a 10 round EMOM (every minute on the minute) style format with the goal of reaching 20 calories on each machine per minute:
Min 1: Cals Echo Bike
Min 2: Cals RowErg
Min 3: Cals SkiErg
Min 4: Rest
Once you have a baseline, a 7-week training block of three aerobic based sessions per week (21 total) begins, with a re-test in the 8th week.
Mikko’s Triangle training sessions consist of approximately 1-1.5 hours focused on various time interval domains. It is important to complete the sessions in order, with 3 sessions per week.
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Rogue Move - Mikko's Triangle (eBook)
Mikko’s Triangle is a comprehensive 7-week training program created by Rogue Athlete and 2009 CrossFit Games champion, Mikko Salo as part of the Rogue Move programming and cycle series.
Mikko originally created Mikko’s Triangle in 2009 with the goal to test the aerobic foundation of some of the best athletes in the world. This workout has since become a benchmark for athletes to test their aerobic capacity and pacing on the Echo Bike, Concept 2 RowErg, and Concept 2 SkiErg, making up the “triangle” of machines.
The purpose of this program is to introduce you to the famous engine testing workout that is Mikko’s Triangle and increase your aerobic capacity by following the 7-week program.
The program consists of a week 1 test to see how you stack up in a 10 round EMOM (every minute on the minute) style format with the goal of reaching 20 calories on each machine per minute:
Min 1: Cals Echo Bike
Min 2: Cals RowErg
Min 3: Cals SkiErg
Min 4: Rest
Once you have a baseline, a 7-week training block of three aerobic based sessions per week (21 total) begins, with a re-test in the 8th week.
Mikko’s Triangle training sessions consist of approximately 1-1.5 hours focused on various time interval domains. It is important to complete the sessions in order, with 3 sessions per week.
Recommended Equipment:
Sample Day
Week 3 Day 3
Warm Up
3 Rounds:
- 1 min bike
- 1 min row
- 1 min ski
- 1 min mobility
Start easy and increase the pace each round
2 rounds:
- 15 sec sprint bike
- 45 sec easy
- 15 sec sprint row
- 45 sec easy
- 15 sec sprint ski
- 45 sec easy
10 Rounds:
- Min 1: 40 sec bike
- Min 2: 40 sec row
- Min 3: 40 sec ski
- Min 4: rest
Workout Notes
Increasing work time progression
- This week we are working for 40 sec per round.
- Work at the pacing you want to maintain for the final test.
- Score each round should be the same or around 1-2 cal higher than Week 2 Day 3
Cool Down
10 min easy moving switching between machines or going for a jog.
Into 10 min of stretching
Gear Specs
- Rogue Move programming eBook - 28 pages (Digital Only)
- Aerobic based program exclusively for the Rogue Echo Bike, Concept 2 RowErg and Concept 2 SkiErg
- Period: 8 Weeks
- Focused on improving power output and threshold pacing on the Echo Bike, RowErg, and SkiErg
PLEASE NOTE: This Mikko's Triangle Program is a digital file and NOT a physical book. The digital file will be accessible in your Rogue account used for purchase and cannot be transferred.
Returns and refunds are not available for non-physical items.
A native of Pori, Finland, Mikko Salo claimed the title of “Fittest Man on Earth” by winning the 2009 CrossFit Games in convincing fashion. His newfound fame soon shined a light on his legendary workout routine, revolutionizing how countless athletes approached their own training in the years that followed.