The Standard Challenge

The Standard Challenge
Challenge Starts: 12/14/24 at 10:00AM EST
Challenge Ends: 1/2/25 at 8:00PM EST
Challenge Overview
Max meters rowed in 24 hours
Challenge participation is open to:
- Individual
- Teams of 2
- Teams of 3
- Teams of 4
A portion of the proceeds for each signup will benefit The Big Fish Foundation
Note: This challenge is not part of the overall Rogue Challenge competition. No points are awarded on the overall leaderboard and there are no cash or gear prizes for this challenge
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The Standard Challenge
See info below for official standards and to register. Once you’ve completed your challenge attempt, submit your time and video evidence using the instructions in the Beyond the White Board app. Also be sure to use #ryourogue and tag @roguefitness to share your experience!
Max meters rowed in 24 hours
Challenge participation is open to:
- Individual
- Teams of 2
- Teams of 3
- Teams of 4
A portion of the proceeds for each signup will benefit The Big Fish Foundation
Note: This challenge is not part of the overall Rogue Challenge competition. No points are awarded on the overall leaderboard and there are no cash or gear prizes for this challenge
About Big Fish Foundation
The Big Fish Foundation ( helps military veterans re-discover a shared common purpose in civilian life through a wide range of specially organized events and activities. These shared experiences are designed to help promote psychological wellness, effectively manage post traumatic/combat stress, and prevent suicide. Learn More
Challenge Start Date & Time: December 14 at 10AM EST
Challenge Close Date & Time: January 2 at 8PM EST
*Scores cannot be updated or added to the leaderboard following the competition close date and time. Please allow sufficient time for completing and submitting your score and video in advance.
- Scores for this competition will display the total meters completed during the challenge
Eligibility Standards and Age Groups:
Community RX and Community Division:
- Male (14 and over)
- Female (14 and over)
Teams (Can be mixed genders)
- Teams of 2 Athletes
- Teams of 3 Athletes
- Teams of 4 Athletes
* Teams must complete this challenge with all athlete's in the same location. Teams cannot be split in separate locations
* The RogueID used during checkout will be the default team captain/team member 1 when registering a team
* Community RX Division: Athletes perform the workout RX. Video submissions are not required but encouraged!
* Community Division: Athletes can complete the challenge scaled to their preference. Video submissions are not require but encouraged!
* This competition is not part of the Rogue Challenge Series or Rogue Overall Challenge series. Scores will not be judged and there are no prizes for this competition To be considered as a competitor, the athlete must register for the challenge at and follow all workout and video flows as outlined.
To be considered as a competitor, the athlete must register for the challenge at and follow all workout and video flows as outlined.
Equipment Needed
- Visible Timer. This can be a gym timer in frame, a phone with the timer feature up in frame or a stopwatch in frame.
- A Device to show next to the rower monitor to confirm the time and date are set accurately on the rower
Rogue Echo Rower or Concept2 RowErg
- Ensure Rogue Echo Rower has most recent firmware update;
* Follow link - Rogue Echo Rower - and select software update and follow instructions to download app - Any Concept2 RowErg model is acceptable
- No other substitute brands are allowed
- Damper can be set on any setting, at any time, but only the athlete can change it
- Monitor time and date set correctly and the monitor set in 24 hour competition mode. (See the attached PDF for setup instructions if you are not familiar with this process). Once the monitor is set for the challenge do not press the Home button.
- All Equipment must be stock and not modified in anyway
- No weighing down of any of the equipment
Note: If you are not sure if your rower will be accepted, please email pictures to for approval.
Permitted Equipment:
- Gym chalk (magnesium carbonate)
- Mouth Guards
- Nose Strips
- Seat pads
- Hand Tape
- Gloves
- Shoes of any kind MUST be worn
Not Permitted Equipment:
- Straps of any kind
Any athlete who alters the equipment or movements described in this document or shown in the video standards may be disqualified from the competition.
Recommended Equipment:
Flow & Movements
All equipment has been pre-set to the correct date and time and in competition mode, see the attached PDF for setup instructions if you are not familiar with this process,
1 Person Challenge
- Athlete begins seated on the rower
- On 3-2-1-Go the timer begins and the athlete may start rowing
- Athlete may take as many breaks as they want during the 24 hour row but the monitor MUST keep running
- At the completion of the 24 hours the athlete must show the monitor with the Date, time and total number of meters rowed
Team Challenge
- Athlete begins seated on the rower
- On 3-2-1-Go the timer begins and the athlete may start rowing
- Athletes may rotate as many times as they want during the 24 hour row but the monitor MUST keep running
- At the completion of the 24 hours the athletes must show the monitor with the Date, time and total number of meters rowed
Rogue Echo Rower or Concept2 RowErg:
- Ensure the Rower monitor date and time is set and is correct
- Have the monitor set to competition mode
* When the athlete is ready they may grab the handle and begin rowing
Any athlete who alters/modifies the equipment or movements described in this document or shown in the video standards may be disqualified from the competition if deemed by the head judges to give an unfair advantage.
Video Submissions
All video submissions should be uncut and unedited in order to accurately display the performance. Videos shot with a fish-eye lens or similar lens may be rejected due to the visual distortion these lenses cause. Sound should be on during the filming. Be sure the athlete has adequate space to safely complete the movement and clear the area of all extra equipment, people, or other obstructions so that the video is clear.
*This is a modify/shorter video requirement than a standard Rogue Challenge video. Please read carefully for requirements below.
- The submitted video should start with the athlete or the entire team in frame stating their name and the challenge name.
* Teams should introduce all members by first name and last name. - All athletes should show the camera they are not wearing any not permitted equipment
- The camera should be walked around the rower to confirm the rower meets that required equipment standards above.
* Rower not modified or anchored down in any way - The camera needs to show a close up of the rower monitor confirming the following:
* Time and date verified on the rower by showing your rower monitor and a device showing next to the monitor at the same time
* Rower should be in competition mode, so it will not shut off during the 24 hour rower
* Once the monitor is set for the challenge do not press the Home button
* See rules PDF for visual setup by step on this process - Next the camera should back up to a 45 degree angle to capture the start of the rowing by the athlete/first team member
- The athlete/first team member may start rowing when they are ready.
* The team captain should verbally call out the time and date they are starting to row - The camera should be turned back on to capture the last 5 minutes of rowing by the final team member
* This is required - On completion of the 24 hour rowing challenge, the camera must to be taken to the rower monitor and clearly show to the camera;
* Verify date and time on the monitor showing next to your rower monitor again
* Total distance rowed in 24 hours from the monitor screen or pulled from your rower workout memory
*Please see the rules PDF for step by step instructions for how to show this on your rower monitor if you are not familiar with this process
Note - athletes/teams may submit up to 2 video links for this challenge.
- 1 Capturing the start of the challenge
- 1 Capturing the end of the challenge
Challenge Leaderboard
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The Standard: Brian Chontosh and Team Shut UP & Row Take On The Talisker Whiskey Atlantic Challenge
On December 12, 2022, three former US Navy SEALS and a retired US Marine launched from Spain's Canary Island, La Gomera, in a rowboat race that would last no less than 30 days. What lies ahead? Rowing two men at a time, 2 hours on, 2 hours off-every hour, of every day-until they crossed the finish line 3000 miles away on the other side of the Atlantic Ocean.
They came together with a shared love of adventure and a mission to raise awareness and support for the Big Fish Foundation, a charitable organization, founded by Chontosh, that helps veterans transition to civilian life through a renewed connection to the fundamental principles of service.