The "C" Community Event

The "C" Community Event
Event Starts: 9/5/24 at 8:00AM EST
Event Ends: 9/30/24 at 8:00PM EST
Challenge Overview
The C is an online community event programmed with Street Parking for all skill levels, the C is open to everyone. Once you’ve completed the Community event workouts, submit your scores using the Beyond the Whiteboard app. Also be sure to use #ryourogue and tag @roguefitness to share your experience!
10% of registration fees for the 2024 Community Event will go towards the Rogue Invitational Prize.
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THe "C" Community Event
The C is an online community event programmed with Street Parking for all skill levels, the C is open to everyone. . Once you’ve completed the Community event workouts, submit your scores using the Beyond the Whiteboard app. Also be sure to use #ryourogue and tag @roguefitness to share your experience!
10% of registration fees for the 2024 Community Event will go towards the Rogue Invitational Prize.
Athletes may make as many attempts during their workout video as they would like.
10 Rounds:
- 5 Barbell Power Clean
- 5 Barbell Push Jerk
- 5 Barbell Clean and Jerk
Score: Total Time
Barbell: Men: 95-135 / Women: 65-95
Dumbbell: Men: 40-50# / Women: 25-35#
Sandbag: Men: 70-100# / Women: 40-60#
Workout Customizations:
Scale weight as needed
18 Minute AMRAP:
- 6 Toes to Bar
- 9 Dumbbell Front Squat
- 12 Box Jump Over
Score: Total Number of Completed Rounds + any Additional Reps
Box Height: Men: 24" / Women: 20"
Dumbbell: Men: 40-50# Dumbbells / Women: 25-35# Dumbbells
Barbell: Men: 95-115# / Women: 65-75#
Sandbag: Men: 60-80# / Women: 35-55#"
Workout Customizations:
Toes to Bar:
- Weighted Sit Up
- V-Up
Front Squat:
- Goblet Squat
Box Jump Over:
- Step Up Over
- Lower Box Jump Over/Step Up Over
Event Start Date & Time: September 5 at 8AM EST
Event Close Date & Time: September 30 at 8PM EST
*Scores cannot be updated or added to the leaderboard following the competition close date and time. Please allow sufficient time for completing and submitting your score in advance.
- The score will be the total time taken to complete the workout
Eligibility Standards and Age Groups:
- Male (Ages 14 and over)
- Female (Ages 14 and over)
Birthday rule: Age is based on the athletes age at the close of the competition.
Equipment Needed
Box Height:
- Men: 24"
- Women: 20"
- Men: 40LB-50LB (17.5kg - 22.5kg)
- Women: 25LB-35LB (12.5kg - 15kg)
- Men: 95LB-115LB (45kg - 50kg)
- Women: 65LB-75LB (30kg - 35kg)
- Men: 60LB-80LB (27kg - 36kg)
- Women: 35LB-55LB (15kg - 25kg)
- Men: 95LB-115LB (45kg - 50kg)
- Women: 65LB-75LB (30kg - 35kg)
- Men: 40LB-50LB (17.5kg - 22.5kg)
- Women: 25LB-35LB (12.5kg - 15kg)
- Men: 70LB-100LB (32kg - 45kg)
- Women: 40LB-60LB (17.5kg - 27kg)
Flow & Movements
Power Clean
Plates must start in contact with the floor for each rep. Rep is complete when the weight is at your shoulders with your elbows forward of the bar and hips, knees, and ankles are in a straight line.
Push Jerk
Rep is complete when the bar is overhead with elbows fully locked out and the wrists, shoulders, hips, knees, and ankles are in a straight line (no bend at the hips or knees).
Clean & Jerk
Same standards as the power clean and the push jerk movements EXCEPT you DO NOT need to stand fully out of the clean before completing the jerk.
Toes to Bar
Both feet must start behind the bar for every rep. Toes must make contact between the hands and at the same time for the rep to count. Any grip is allowed.
Front Squat
The crease of the hip should go below the top of the knees at the bottom. The rep finishes when the shoulders, hips, knees, and ankles are in a straight line with the weights still at the shoulders. Squat clean is allowed for the first rep of the set.
Box Jump Over
Must be facing the box (no lateral jump over) and take off in the jump with both feet at the same time. You can either land on the box and step/jump down on the other side or completely clear the top - but your feet MUST travel over the TOP of the box, not around the sides. The rep is complete when both feet have touched the ground on the opposite side of the box.
Top 3 Gyms with Sign-Ups
Total entries per gym
1st Place | $500 Rogue Gift Card 15KG or 20KG Barbell Competition Plate Bumper Set |
2nd Place | $250 Rogue Gift Card 15KG or 20KG Barbell |
3rd Place | $100 Rogue Gift Card 15KG or 20KG Barbell |
Gym/Box Participants and Signups:
*Tie Breaker: highest placing team member
Note: Gym affiliations must be entered by the competitor during the registration process for it to count towards the total sign ups. Submissions through email are not accepted/credited