The "Q" Qualifier

The "Q" Qualifier
Qualifier Starts: 9/5/24 at 8:00AM EST
Qualilfier Ends: 9/9/24 at 8:00PM EST
Challenge Overview
Athletes that have not been formally invited to compete in the CrossFit competition at the Rogue Invitational can earn their spot in the field through the online qualifier. See below for information regarding official workout standards and to register. . Once you’ve completed your qualifier workouts, submit your scores and workout videos using the Beyond the Whiteboard app. Also be sure to use #ryourogue and tag @roguefitness to share your experience!
Minimum of 5 male and 5 female competitors will qualify for the in person competition taking place in November.
10% of registration fees for the 2024 online qualifier will go towards the Rogue Invitational Prize Purse
Qualifiers will receive travel stipends and hotel accommodations along with inclusion in the 2024 prize purse.
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THe "Q" Qualifier
Athletes that have not been formally invited to compete in the CrossFit competition at the Rogue Invitational can earn their spot in the field through the online qualifier. See below for information regarding official workout standards and to register. . Once you’ve completed your qualifier workouts, submit your scores and workout videos using the Beyond the Whiteboard app. Also be sure to use #ryourogue and tag @roguefitness to share your experience!
Minimum of 5 male and 5 female competitors will qualify for the in person competition taking place in November.
10% of registration fees for the 2024 online qualifier will go towards the Rogue Invitational Prize Purse
Qualifiers will receive travel stipends and hotel accommodations along with inclusion in the 2024 prize purse.
Athletes may make as many attempts during their workout video as they would like.
For Time:
- 50-40-30-20-10 - Echo Bike Calories
- 10-20-30-40-50 - Alternating Dumbbell Snatch
Time Cap: 20 minutes
Dumbbell Weights:
- Men: 70LB (32.5kg)
- Women: 50LB (23.5kg)
For Time:
- 30 Bar Muscle Ups
- 30 OHS 155/115LBS (70/52KG)
- 30 Burpee Over Bar
Time Cap: 15 minutes
Tie Breaker: Time will be taken at the completion of the overhead squats
For Time:
- 21 Deadlifts - 315/245 LBS (142/111 KG)
- 15 Clean - 225/175 LBS (102/80 KG)
- 9 Squat Snatch - 135/105 LBS (61/47 KG)
- 50/40 Cal Row
Time Cap: 10 minutes
AMRAP 15 Minutes:
- 45 Double Unders
- 9 Strict Wall Facing HSPU
- 12 Box Step Overs with Dumbbell
- 15 Chest To Bar Pull Ups
Dumbbell Weights:
- Men: 100LB (45kg)
- Women: 70LB (32.5kg)
Qualifier Start Date & Time: September 5at 8AM EST
Qualifier Close Date & Time: September 9 at 8PM EST
*Scores cannot be updated or added to the leaderboard following the competition close date and time.
* Please allow sufficient time for completing and submitting your score and video in advance.
- The score will be the time taken to complete the workout or the total number of repetitions completed in the 20 minute time cap
Eligibility Standards and Age Groups:
- Male: Ages 16 and over
- Female: Ages 16 and over
- Competitive Division: Athlete scores count towards the "Qualifier", and the athletes are required to perform the workout RX and follow all rules and video requirements outlined.
- Community Division: Athletes can complete the challenge scaled, scores do not count toward the "Qualifier", and are not eligible for the leaderboard or prizes. Video submissions are not required. Athletes will receive t-shirts, if purchased.
To be considered as a competitor, the athlete must register for the Qualifier on this page and follow all workout and video flows as outlined.
Equipment Needed
Equipment needed to qualify:
- Timer, visible in frame (This can be a gym timer, a phone with the timer feature up, or a stopwatch)
- Digital Weight Scale to confirm equipment to be used for your workout (analogue scales are NOT permitted)
- Plate or Kettlebell for validating the scale
- Echo Bike - stock with no modifications to pedals, not weighed/fixed down - no fan shield - no other air bike is allowed
- Dumbbell 70LB/50 lLB (32.5KG/22.5KG)
- Recommended: 15' x 15' clear unobstructed area in which to conduct the workout
- Rogue brand gear is not required (apart from Echo Bike)
Permitted Equipment:
- Gym chalk (magnesium carbonate)
- Weightlifting belt
- Knee/elbow sleeves (single or pairs)
- Wrist supports/wraps
- Shoes in any style must be worn
- Thumb Tape
Not Permitted Equipment:
- Gymnastic grips
- Shoes with clips that connect to the echo bike
- Toes clips added to pedals
- Liquid chalk
- Tacky of any kind
- Lifting straps, support straps or any other kind of straps
- Braces of any kind
- Gloves or any type of hand or forearm coverings
- Elbow wraps
Any athlete who alters the equipment or movements described in this document or shown in the video standards may be disqualified from the competition.
Equipment needed to qualify:
- Timer, visible in frame (This can be a gym timer, a phone with the timer feature up, or a stopwatch)
- Digital Weight Scale to confirm equipment to be used for your workout (analogue scales are NOT permitted)
- Dumbbell or Kettlebell for validating the scale
- Weight Plates with the weight clearly marked
*Max of 18" diameter
*Minimum plate increments of 2.5LB per side - Standard 15kg/25 mm (35 LB) or 20kg/28.5 mm (45 LB) barbell
* Center Knurling is permitted - Barbell collars
- Pull-up bar that allows the athlete to hang freely from the bar without touching the ground
- Shoes in any style must be worn
- Recommended: 15' x 15' clear unobstructed area in which to conduct the workout
- Rogue brand gear is not required
Permitted Equipment:
- Gym chalk (magnesium carbonate)
- Weightlifting belt
- Knee/elbow sleeves (single or pairs)
- Wrist supports/wraps
- Gymnastic grips
- Thumb Tape
Not Permitted Equipment:
- Liquid chalk
- Tacky of any kind
- Lifting straps, support straps or any other kind of straps
- Braces of any kind
- Gloves or any type of hand or forearm coverings
- Grip shirts
- Tape of any kind anywhere on the clothing, body, barbell or pull up bar
- Sticky adhesives or grip adhesives of any kind anywhere on the clothing, body or barbell including spray
- Elbow wraps
- Long sleeve shirts of any kind
Any athlete who alters the equipment or movements described in this document or shown in the video standards may be disqualified from the competition.
Equipment needed to qualify:
- Timer, visible in frame (This can be a gym timer, a phone with the timer feature up, or a stopwatch)
- Digital Weight Scale to confirm equipment to be used for your workout (analogue scales are NOT permitted)
- Plate or Kettlebell for validating the scale
- Weight Plates with the weight clearly marked
*Max of 18" diameter
*Minimum plate increments of 2.5LB per side - Standard 15kg/25 mm (35 LB) or 20kg/28.5 mm (45 LB) barbell
* Center Knurling is permitted - Barbell collars
- Concept 2 Rower - any model
- Shoes in any style must be worn
- Recommended: 15' x 15' clear unobstructed area in which to conduct the workout
- Rogue brand gear is not required
Permitted Equipment:
- Gym chalk (magnesium carbonate)
- Weightlifting belt
- Knee/elbow sleeves (single or pairs)
- Wrist supports/wraps
- Thumb Tape
Not Permitted Equipment:
- Liquid chalk
- Gymnastic grips
- Tacky of any kind
- Lifting straps, support straps or any other kind of straps
- Braces of any kind
- Gloves or any type of hand or forearm coverings
- Grip shirts
- Tape of any kind anywhere on the clothing, body or barbell
- Sticky adhesives or grip adhesives of any kind anywhere on the clothing, body or barbell including spray
- Elbow wraps
- Long sleeve shirts of any kind
Any athlete who alters the equipment or movements described in this document or shown in the video standards may be disqualified from the competition.
Equipment needed to qualify:
- Timer, visible in frame (This can be a gym timer, a phone with the timer feature up, or a stopwatch)
- Digital Weight Scale to confirm equipment to be used for your workout (analogue scales are NOT permitted)
- Plate or Kettlebell for validating the scale
- Tape measure to measure the box height
- A line 30 inches (76 cm) long, 2 inches (5 cm) wide placed 10 inches (25 cm) from the wall (to the outside of the tape line) will be placed on the floor for HSPUs.
- Dumbbell 100LB/70LB (45KG/32.5KG)
- Jump rope
- 20 inch box - top of box must be minimum 15"x15"
* Must be a box and NOT plates / other objects stacked - Shoes in any style must be worn
- Recommended: 15' x 15' clear unobstructed area in which to conduct the workout
- Rogue brand gear is not required
Permitted Equipment:
- Gym chalk (magnesium carbonate)
- Weightlifting belt
- Knee/elbow sleeves (single or pairs)
- Wrist supports/wraps
- Thumb Tape
Not Permitted Equipment:
- Liquid chalk
- Tacky of any kind
- Lifting straps, support straps or any other kind of straps
- Braces of any kind
- Gloves or any type of hand or forearm coverings
- Grip shirts
- Tape of any kind anywhere on the clothing, body, barbell or pull up bar
- Sticky adhesives or grip adhesives of any kind anywhere on the clothing, body or barbell including spray
- Elbow wraps
- Long sleeve shirts of any kind
Any athlete who alters the equipment or movements described in this document or shown in the video standards may be disqualified from the competition.
Flow & Movements
- The athlete will start seated on the Rogue Echo Bike
- At the call of 3-2-1-Go the timer will start and the athlete will begin completing 50 calories, starting to bike before the timer starts will result in a false start and penalization
- Once 50 calories are completed the athlete will move to their dumbbell and complete 10 alternating dumbbell snatches.
- On completing the dumbbell snatches the athlete will move back to the Echo Bike and complete 40 calories followed by 20 alternating dumbbell snatches, then 30 calories and 30 alternating dumbbell snatches, 20 calories and 40 alternating dumbbell snatches and finally 10 calories and 50 alternating dumbbell snatches.
- Time will stop when the athlete completes the last alternating dumbbell snatch in the round of 50.
If the workout is not completed during the timecap, the score will be the total reps completed at time.
If the athlete is going for another attempt during the same video:
- Timer needs reset to start from zero
- All equipment must be reset as per the floor plan and workout standards.
- Athletes may make as many attempts during their video as they would like.
The challenge must be completed on the Rogue Echo Bike only.
- The challenge starts with the athlete either seated or standing on the bike
- Athlete may receive assistance to reset the monitor
- Athlete may sit or stand on the bike
- Athlete should set their seat height prior to the start of their video
- Total calories must be shown on the Echo Bike monitor at the completion of each round
- Total calories at the time of time cap should be counted, roll over calories will not be counted
- A muscle snatch, power snatch, squat snatch and split snatch are all allowed as long as the start and finish positions are met
- Each rep starts with both heads of the dumbbell on the ground.
- Using one arm, the dumbbell is moved from the ground to overhead in one motion
- You must alternate hands after every repetition
- The rep is credited when:
* The feet are inline
* Knees, hips, and elbow of the working arm are fully extended.
* The middle of the dumbbell is in line with, or slightly behind the body when viewed from side profile
* The dumbbell must finish directly overhead, not out to the side, and the body must be vertical, not leaning to the side
- The athlete will start under the pull-up bar.
- At the call of 3-2-1-Go the timer will start and the athlete will jump to their pull-up bar complete 30 bar muscle-ups, jumping up to the pull up bar before the timer starts will result in a false start and penalisation
- After completing 30 BMU move forward and complete 30 overhead squats.
- Once the 30th overhead squat is completed the athlete will put the barbell on the floor and complete 30 burpees over the bar.
The time will stop when the athlete lands with both feet on the opposite side of the barbell after completing the 30th burpee
If the athlete is going for another attempt during the same video:
- Timer needs reset to start from zero
- All equipment must be reset as per the floor plan and workout standards.
- Athletes may make as many attempts during their video as they would like.
- In the bar muscle-up, the athlete must begin with or pass through a hang below the bar, with the arms fully extended and the feet off the ground.
- Kipping the muscle-up is acceptable, but pull-overs, rolls to support and glide kips are not permitted.
- The toes may not rise above the height of the bar during the kip.
- At the top, the elbows must be fully locked while the athlete is in the support position above the bar with the shoulders over or just in front of the hands.
- Athlete must pass through some portion of a dip before locking out on top of the bar.
- Only the hands, and no other part of the arm, may touch the pull-up bar to assist the athlete in completing the rep.
- Once on top, the hands must stay in contact with the bar, and athletes must maintain support with their arms.
- Removing the hands to rest while on top of the bar is not allowed.
- The barbell starts in the ground and may be lifted to the overhead position in any manner the athlete wants.
- The first rep will be counted when the barbell is locked out overhead, the feet are inline and the athlete squats to a depth where the hip crease is CLEARLY below the top of the knee and then stands to FULL EXTENSION of the KNEES and HIP with the barbell over or slightly behind the head and the arms fully extended.
- A squat snatch for the first repetition will count as long as the athlete hits depth and stands to the correct finish position
- If the barbell is dropped the athlete may not receive assistance
- The burpee may be performed parallel or perpendicular to the barbell
- The athlete jumps or steps back to lie on the ground.
- The athlete’s entire body and head must be behind the barbell.
- The chest and thighs must touch the ground at the bottom.
- From this position, the athlete can step or jump to their feet.
- The athlete must jump over the barbell, stepping over is not permitted.
* ANY ATTEMPT TO CHANGE THE INTENT OF THE JUMP WILL BE PENALIZED - The athlete does not need to land with both feet at the same time.
- The rep is credited when both feet have touched the ground on the opposite side of the barbell.
- The bar must have normal size 18 inch plates
* If using a barbell for the front squats and STOH with smaller plates, a second bar may be set up for the burpees to the required height.
- The athlete may start where they wish.
- At the call of 3-2-1-Go the timer will start and the athlete will complete 21 deadlifts,
* Reaching down to the barbell before the timer starts will result in a false start and penalisation - After completeing the deadlifts the athlete will complete 15 cleans and then 9 squat snatch.
* If using multiple barbells, the athlete may receive assistance to move the barbells as required.
* If the athlete is using one barbell, the athlete may receive assistance to change the weights. - On completing the last squat snatch the athlete will move to the rower and complete 50/40 Calories
- Time is called when the athlete reaches 50/40 Calories
- There is no run over for calorie count if the athlete is still rowing at the time cap for the workout.
If the athlete is going for another attempt during the same video:
- Timer needs reset to start from zero
- All equipment must be reset as per the floor plan and workout standards.
- Athletes may make as many attempts during their video as they would like.
- This is a traditional deadlift with the hands outside the knees.
- Starting at the floor, the barbell is lifted until hips and knees reach full extension with the head and shoulders behind the bar.
- The arms must be straight throughout, no bouncing or driving the bar into the ground.
- Sumo deadlifts are not allowed.
- The barbell begins on the ground and must be lifted from the ground to the shoulders in one motion.
- A muscle clean, power clean, split clean, or squat clean may be used, as long as the barbell comes up to the rack position on the shoulders with the elbows clearly in front of the bar and the hip and knees fully extended
- Touch-and-go is permitted as long as the athlete is not driving the barbell into the ground to gain momentum
- No bouncing or dropping and catching the barbell on the rebound.
- Once dropped, the barbell must settle on the ground before the athlete begins the next repetition.
- The barbell begins on the ground and must be lifted overhead in one fluid motion.
- For the finish position the barbell must come to full lockout overhead, with the hips, knees and arms fully extended, feet inline and the bar directly over or slightly behind the middle of the body.
- A squat snatch is required so the athlete must receive the barbell with the crease of the hip CLEARLY below the top of the knee in one fluid movement
- Catching the barbell in a clear power position, pausing and then squatting to depth with result in a no rep
- Touch-and-go is permitted, as long as the athlete is not driving the barbell into the ground to gain momentum
- No bouncing or dropping and catching the barbell on the rebound.
- Once dropped, the barbell must settle on the ground before the athlete begins the next repetition.
- Athletes may receive assistance loading weights and/or moving barbells
- The rower must be set to count up in Calories. The athlete must stay on the rower until 50/40 calories are visibile on the monitor before they get off
- If rowing when time is called, the score will be the number of calories completed at the time of the clock - no run over is allowed
- 1 repetition will be awarded for every calorie completed
- Total calories at the time of time cap should be counted, roll over calories will not be counted
- The athlete may start where they wish.
- At the call of 3-2-1-Go the timer will start and the athlete will pick up their jump rope and complete 45 Double Unders, bending down to pick up the rope before the timer starts will result in a false start and penalisation
- Once the double unders have been completed the athlete will move to the wall and complete 9 wall facing strict handstand pushups.
- After completing the HSPU the athlete will complete 12 dumbbell box step overs and then 15 chest-to-bar pull-ups. The athlete will complete this sequence as many times as possible in the remainder of the 15 minutes
If the athlete is going for another attempt during the same video:
- Timer needs reset to start from zero
- All equipment must be reset as per the floor plan and workout standards.
- Athletes may make as many attempts during their video as they would like.
- This is the standard double-under in which the rope passes completely under the feet twice for each jump.
- The rope must spin forward for the rep to count.
- This movement will start with the athlete standing in front of the wall
- The athlete can get to the inverted position in any manner but BOTH hands must be in contact with the tape line and the arms fully extended before starting their first repetition
- When the hands are on the tape line, the arms are locked out and inline with the shoulders and the body, hip fully extended, the athlete may begin the first repetition
- The athlete will descend until the head touches the floor and then press, returning to the arms being locked out and inline with the body.
- The repetition starts and finishes from the inverted position where both hands are on the tape line as above.
- Legs must remain straight through the repetition, if it is deemed the athlete is using the legs or feet to help climb the wall penalties will be applied
- Toes do NOT have to remain in contact with the wall for the duration of the repetition, just at the start and finish positions
- Kipping is NOT allowed
- The athlete’s feet may not pass outside the width of the hands, using the feet to gain and advantage will not be allowed
- BOTH hands must be in contact with the tape line for the repetition to count
- Ground must be level and hands and head must be even
- This is a standard box step over using a 20 inch box with the athlete holding a 100/70 pound dumbbell.
- Athletes may hold the dumbbell in any position they wish but it may NOT come in contact with or rest on the legs at any time during the step over.
- For the rep to count, the athlete must step up on top of the box, both feet must come into contact with the top of the box - full extension of the knee and hips are not required
- The athlete may use either foot to step onto the box
- The athlete must then STEP DOWN the opposite side of the box.
- The repetition will count when both feet are on the floor on the opposite side from where the athlete started, and the athlete is still IN CONTROL of the dumbbell
- The athlete will then turn and start the next repetition.
- The athlete may turn on top of the box, step down backwards and then step forwards for the next repetition, but the athlete must be facing the direction of travel for a repetition to count, side stepping over the box is not allowed and jumping off the box will result as a no rep
- Only the feet are allowed to come into contact with the box, if the dumbbell or any other body part contact the box that repetition will not be counted
- Gymnastic grips MAY NOT be used to assist when holding the dumbbell
- Dead hang, kipping or butterfly pull-ups are allowed as long as all the requirements are met.
- The arms must be fully extended at the bottom, with the feet off the ground.
- Overhand, underhand or mixed grip are all permitted.
- At the top, the chest must clearly come into contact with the bar below the collarbone.
Video Submissions
All video submissions should be uncut and unedited in order to accurately display the performance. Videos shot with a fisheye lens or similar lens may be rejected due to the visual distortion these lenses cause. Sound should be ON during the filming. Be sure the athlete has adequate space to safely complete the movements and clear the area of all extra equipment, people, or other obstructions so that the video is clear.
The workout should be filmed similar to the suggested floor plan, all equipment should be set up as shown in the floor plan with the video clearly showing the entire body of the athlete completing all movements.
Critical items that need to be clearly visible on the video:
- All equipment spaced to create a safe working environment
- The scale verification and weighing of the dumbbell
- Walk around of the Echo Bike ensuring there is no wind guard, weighing down of the bike or any other modifications
- During the workout, the screen monitor of the Echo Bike to confirm calories completed, the camera may be moved during the workout to show this if required
- During the workout, the complete range of motion of the athlete during the alternating dumbbell snatch
- Workout Timer in shot.
Next the athlete will need to follow the steps outlined below:
- The submitted video should start with the entire athlete in frame stating their name, the qualifier workout number, and their division.
- The camera should then clearly show all equipment the athlete will use during their workout. All of the following must be shown:
* Dumbbell with weight clearly marked on it
* The Echo bike showing there are no wind guard, weighing down of the bike or any other modifications - The athlete must weigh the dumbbell on camera.
* This process needs to start with showing the scale validation by placing a kettlebell or bumper plate on the scale and showing the scale reading is correct.
* Camera must show the dumbbell to be used on the scale and the scale reading
* Required regardless of equipment brand - The athlete may then set their competition, for a suggested floor layout refer to the attached page
- The camera should move back into the correct filming position.
* The equipment and the athlete should stay in the shot.
* The final position should capture the time and the athlete completing all movements in their entirety as explained above
* The camera may be moved between movements to capture all critical items listed above, but the athlete will not be credited for any repetitions that are not shown on the video in their entirety - The athlete needs to show the camera all supportive equipment they are wearing or will wear for the workout to confirm it all matches the rules outlined.
- Once the athlete is ready they may begin the workout based on the criteria outlined above.
* The athlete may start the workout seated on the Echo Bike - When the workout is finished, the video may conclude.
* All of the steps above should be done with the camera continuously running for the video to be accepted.
* Failure to show these steps/items could make the video submission subject to rejection at the judges' discretion.
Critical items that need to be clearly visible on the video:
- Full body of the athlete all times during each movement of the workout
- All equipment spaced to create a safe working environment - refer to suggested floor plan
- The scale verification and weighing of all equipment used, including the barbell and all plates.
- Show the feet clear off the floor and full lockout at the top of the Bar Muscle Up.
- The barbell locked out overhead at the top of the overhead squat and hip crease CLEARLY below the top of the knee at the bottom of each repetition.
- Full body of the athlete and AND A CLEAR JUMP OVER THE BAR during the burpee over bar
- Workout Timer in shot at all times.
Next the athlete will need to follow the steps outlined below:
- The submitted video should start with the entire athlete in frame stating their name, the qualifier workout number, and their division.
- The camera should then clearly show all equipment the athlete will use during their workout. All of the following must be shown:
* Barbell, to include end caps
* All weight plates, both sides
* Plates need to clearly have the weights printed on them
* The pull up bar - clearly show there is no tape, tacky or any banned substance on the bar
* The athlete should hang from the bar to show they can hang freely with no risk of touching the floor
* All gear needs to stay in camera shot during the entire video - The athlete must WEIGH ALL PLATES and BARBELL on camera.
* This process needs to start with showing the scale validation by placing a dumbbell/kettlebell on the scale and showing the scale reading is correct.
* Camera must show each plate on the scale and the scale reading
* Camera must show the barbell on the scale and the scale reading
* Required regardless of equipment brand - The athlete may then load their barbell and set their competition space, for a suggested floor layout refer to the attached page
- The camera should move back into the correct filming position.
* The bar should be loaded at this time - all equipment and the athlete should stay in the shot.
* The final position should capture the time and the athlete completing all movements in their entirety as explained above - The athlete needs to show the camera all supportive equipment they are wearing or will wear for the workout to confirm it all matches the rules outlined.
- Once the athlete is ready they may begin the workout based on the criteria outlined above.
* The athlete may start the workout directly under the pull up bar
* The timer should be set to count up to 15 minutes - When the 15 minute time cap is reached or the workout is finished, the video may conclude.
* All of the steps above should be done with the camera continuously running for the video to be accepted.
* Failure to show these steps/items could make the video submission subject to rejection at the judges' discretion.
Critical items that need to be clearly visible on the video:
- Full body of the athlete all times during each movement of the workout
- All equipment spaced to create a safe working environment - refer to suggested floor plan
- The scale verification and weighing of all equipment used, including the barbell(s) and all plates.
- Full body of the athlete with a clear view of all the required movement standards on the barbell movements
* Deadlift - plates touching the floor each rep and standing to full extension of the knees and hip
* Cleans - standing each rep to show knees and hip fully extended with the bar in the front rack - elbows in front of the bar
* Squat Snatch - show the hip crease CLEARLY below the top of the knee and standing the bar up to full extension of the knees and hips with the bar in control overhead - Monitor of the RowErg, calories rowed being clear, the camera may be moved during the workout to show this if required
- Workout Timer in shot at all times.
Next the athlete will need to follow the steps outlined below:
- The submitted video should start with the entire athlete in frame stating their name, the qualifier workout number, and their division.
- The camera should then clearly show all equipment the athlete will use during their workout. All of the following must be shown:
* Barbell, to include end caps
* All weight plates, both sides
* Plates need to clearly have the weights printed on them
* Walk around of the RowErg, must not be weighed down or modified in anyway
* All gear needs to stay in camera shot during the entire video - The athlete must WEIGH ALL PLATES and BARBELL(s) on camera.
* This process needs to start with showing the scale validation by placing a dumbbell/kettlebell on the scale and showing the scale reading is correct.
* Camera must show each plate on the scale and the scale reading
* Camera must show the barbell(s) on the scale and the scale reading
* Required regardless of equipment brand - The athlete may then load their barbell(s) and set their competition space, for a suggested floor layout refer to the attached page
- The camera should move back into the correct filming position.
* The bar should be loaded at this time - all equipment and the athlete should stay in the shot.
* The final position should capture the time and the athlete completing all movements in their entirety as explained above - The athlete needs to show the camera all supportive equipment they are wearing or will wear for the workout to confirm it all matches the rules outlined.
- Once the athlete is ready they may begin the workout based on the criteria outlined above.
* The athlete may start the workout behind the first barbell - ensure the athlete does not reach for the barbell until the timer has started, false starts will be penalised
* The timer should be set to count up to 10 minutes - When the 10 minute time cap is reached or the workout is finished, the video may conclude.
* All of the steps above should be done with the camera continuously running for the video to be accepted.
* Failure to show these steps/items could make the video submission subject to rejection at the judges' discretion.
Critical items that need to be clearly visible on the video:
- Full body of the athlete all times during each movement of the workout
- All equipment spaced to create a safe working environment - refer to suggested floor plan
- The scale verification and weighing of the dumbbell
- The measurements of the HSPU tape standard
- The height of the box and top of the box measurements
- Full body of the athlete with a clear view of all the required movement standards
* Rope passing under the athlete twice every jump
* Body position and hands touching the tape line during the SHSPU
* Clearly stepping both feet ONTO and OFF the box while being in clear control off the dumbbell
* Chest clearly touching the pull up bar during the Chest to Bar Pull Up - The camera should be moved during the workout to show the movement standards as required
- Workout Timer in shot at all times.
Next the athlete will need to follow the steps outlined below:
- The submitted video should start with the entire athlete in frame stating their name, the qualifier workout number, and their division.
- The camera should then clearly show all equipment the athlete will use during their workout. All of the following must be shown:
* The tape for the SHSPU standard
* The Dumbbell
* The box
* The pull up bar - clearly show there is no tape, tacky or any banned substance on the bar
* The athlete should hang from the bar to show they can hang freely with no risk of touching the floor
* All gear needs to stay in camera shot during the entire video - The athlete must weigh the dumbbell on camera.
* This process needs to start with showing the scale validation by placing a plate or kettlebell on the scale and showing the scale reading is correct.
* Camera must show the dumbbell on the scale and the scale reading - The athlete must the measure the height of the box and show the top of box measurements
- The athlete may then set their competition space, for a suggested floor layout refer to the attached page
- The camera should move back into the correct filming position as shown in the floor plan.
* All equipment and the athlete should stay in the shot.
* The final position should capture the time and the athlete completing all movements in their entirety as explained above - The athlete needs to show the camera all supportive equipment they are wearing or will wear for the workout to confirm it all matches the rules outlined.
- Once the athlete is ready they may begin the workout based on the criteria outlined above.
* The athlete may start the workout stood tall with their skipping rope on the floor - ensure the athlete does not reach for the skipping rope until the timer has started, false starts will be penalised
* The timer should be set to count up to 15 minutes - When the 15 minute time cap is reached or the workout is finished, the video may conclude.
* All of the steps above should be done with the camera continuously running for the video to be accepted.
* Failure to show these steps/items could make the video submission subject to rejection at the judges' discretion.
The top 5 male and female athletes will receive an invite to compete at the 2024 Rogue Invitational in November.
Male Overall Winner | Custom 20KG or 15KG Barbell |
Female Overall Winner | Custom 20KG or 15KG Barbell |